26 research outputs found

    Comparison meaningful operators and ordinal invariant preferences

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    The existence of a continuous and order-preserving real-valued function, for the class of continuous and ordinal invariant total preorders, defined on the Banach space of all bounded real-valued functions, which are in turn defined on a given set 惟, is characterized. Whenever the total preorder is nontrivial, the type of representation obtained leads to a functional equation that is closely related to the concept of comparison meaningfulness, and is studied in detail in this setting. In particular, when restricted to the space of bounded and measurable real-valued functions, with respect to some algebra of subsets of 惟, we prove that, if the total preorder is also weakly Paretian, then it can be represented as a Choquet integral with respect to a {0,1}-valued capacity. Some interdisciplinary applications to measurement theory and social choice are also considered.This work has been partially supported by the research projects ECO2012-34828, MTM2012-37894-C02-02 and TIN2013-40765-P (Spain)

    驴C贸mo toman las decisiones los individuos? - Introducci贸n a la Econom铆a Conductual

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    El presente documento introduce al lector a la Econom铆a del Comportamiento. En primer lugar, se presentan las principales caracter铆sticas de esa rama de estudio as铆 como la evoluci贸n que ha sufrido. Posteriormente, se analizan los autores m谩s relevantes en la materia junto a sus aportaciones m谩s importantes: Simon y la Teor铆a de Racionalidad Limitada, Kahneman y Tversky y la Teor铆a Prospectiva y, por 煤ltimo, Thaler y los Factores Supuestamente Irrelevantes.En una tercera parte, se exponen los resultados de un experimento realizado con el objetivo de comprobar la existencia o no de sesgos y heur铆sticos en la toma de decisiones por parte de una serie de individuos. Finalmente, se llega a la conclusi贸n de que dichos individuos emplearon atajos mentales que les condujeron a la toma de decisiones en las que primaban los impulsos emocionales<br /

    Breve introducci贸n a la Teor铆a de Decisi贸n en ambiente de incertidumbre. Una aplicaci贸n a Modelos de Selecci贸n de Cartera.

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    En este trabajo presentaremos una introducci贸n b谩sica a la teor铆a de decisi贸n, as铆 como a la toma de decisiones bajo certidumbre e incertidumbre, adem谩s de algunos modelos que facilitar谩n su comprensi贸n. Tambi茅n introduciremos el modelo de elecci贸n de cartera de CAMP y el modelo de Markowitz aplic谩ndolos a diversas acciones de la bolsa espa帽ola y exponiendo las conclusiones a las que podamos llegar.<br /

    Open questions in utility theory

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    Throughout this paper, our main idea is to explore different classical questions arising in Utility Theory, with a particular attention to those that lean on numerical representations of preference orderings. We intend to present a survey of open questions in that discipline, also showing the state-of-art of the corresponding literature.This work is partially supported by the research projects ECO2015-65031-R, MTM2015-63608-P (MINECO/ AEI-FEDER, UE), and TIN2016-77356-P (MINECO/ AEI-FEDER, UE)

    Medias generalizadas y aplicaciones

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